Thursday, December 26, 2019

Names of Common Flowers (Blumen) in German

Flowers are an ever-present part of the German landscape. In the middle  of  Lake Constance (Bodensee)  in southwest  Germany, for example, sits Mainau Island, also called the Island of Flowers. Flowers also play a significant role in German traditions and holidays. In the weeks prior to Easter, you will see spring flowers on display alongside Easter trees (ostereierbaum). So, as you study German, familiarize yourself with the names of flowers and related words. Parts of a Flower In the translations in this and the below sections, the name of the flower, or flower-related vocabulary, is listed on the left with the German translation on the right to help you find the term or phrase more easily. Before learning the names of various flowers, take a moment to memorize German words related to the parts of a flower—or  Ã¢â‚¬â€¹blumenbestandteile: Blossom die Blà ¼teBud die KnospeLeaf das BlattSeed der SamenStem der StengelThorn der Stachel Common Flower Names In Germany, several flowers are particularly abundant, including carnations, lilies, and roses, says  FloraQueen. However, many other types of flowers are also common in Germany. Familiarize yourself with flower names so that youll be able to speak knowledgeably about these plants with native speakers. Name of Flower in English German Translation Lily of the valley das Maiglà ¶ckchen Amaryllis die Amaryllis Anemone die Anemone Aster die Aster Baby's Breath das Schleierkraut Begonia die Begonie Blanket Flower die Kokardenblume, die Papageiblume Bleeding Heart das Trà ¤nende Herz Carnation die Nelke Columbine die Akelei Cornflower (Bachelor's Button) die Kornblume Crocus der Krokus Daffodil die Narzisse, die Osterglocke Dahlia die Dahlie Daisy das Gà ¤nseblà ¼mchen Dandelion der Là ¶wenzahn Echinacea der Sonnenhut,der Scheinsonnenhut Edelweiss das Edelweiß Forget me nots Vergissmeinnicht Galliardia die Gaillardie Geranium die Geranie Gladiolus die Gladiole Goldenrod die Goldrute Heather die Erika, das Heidekraut Hibiscus der Hibiskus, der Eibisch Hyacinth die Hyazinthe Iris die Iris, die Schwertlilie Jasmin der Jasmin, Echter Jasmin Jonquil die Jonquille Lavender der Lavendel Lilac der Flieder Lily die Lilie Marigold die Tagetes, die Ringelblume Orchid die Orchidee Pansy das Stiefmà ¼tterchen Peony die Pfingstrose, die Pà ¤onie Petunia die Petunie Poppy der Mohn, die Mohnblume Rose die Rose Snapdragon das Garten Là ¶wenmaul Snowdrop das Schneeglà ¶ckchen Sunflower die Sonnenblume Tulip die Tulpe Violet das Veilchen Zinnia die Zinnie Other Flower-Related Vocabulary As you study the names of common flowers and vocabulary related to flower parts, dont forget to familiarize yourself with flower-related vocabulary. Note that in German,  each noun, pronoun and article has four cases. Therefore, a common noun such as  Blumenstrauß—flower bouquet—may start with a capital letter, even if it does not begin a sentence and even though it would be lowercased in English. To bloom blà ¼henTo water gießenTo wilt   verwelkenFlower bouquet der BlumenstraußFlower shop der BlumenladenFlorist der Florist, der Blumenverkà ¤ufer Flower Idioms Once youve mastered the names and parts of flowers, impress your native-speaking friends with some well-known flower idioms—blumen redewendungen: To beat around the bush   durch die Blume  sagenTo push up radishes   Die Radieschen von  unten  anschauen/betrachten Though the second phrase is translated literally, in English, this idiom would more normally be translated as pushing up daisies (to be dead). Try out this saying the next time youre watching a mobster movie with your German-speaking friends.

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

An Analysis Of George Saunders And David Foster Wallace Essay

Nichele Rascoe Rascoe 1 English 120 October 10, 2016 Often times, many forget to be kind to one another. When we are performing out our daily activities we forget to think about other people. Individuals can be naturally selfish or self- centered. There are multiple obstacles working against our being kind to one another. Our own success being one of them. We must remember to put ourselves in the shoes of the other person, in order to understand the issues in front of us. It is not easy to become detached ourselves from how we usually are nor how we are born, but it is imperative that we try to ensure a brighter future. Why should we be more kind, or in fact less self-centered? George Saunders and David Foster Wallace mention the importance of being kind to one another and the steps necessary in graduation speeches. Both writers state that acting in kindness, ultimately leads to new freedoms and creates an enlightened human being. In the Commencement Speech, â€Å"This is Water: Some Thoughts, Delivered on a Significant Occasion, abo ut Living a Compassionate Life,† Wallace claims that people are naturally self- centered. (235) We only tend to see the world as it relates or pertains to us. Wallace’s speech is meant to change the graduate’s perspective on the world. Wallace believes that the graduates should heed his advice because it will eventually provide an importantShow MoreRelatedSolution Manual, Test Bank and Instructor Manuals34836 Words   |  140 PagesLane Keller (TB) A Friendly Introduction to Numerical Analysis,Brian Bradie (ISM) A Guide to International Financial Reporting Standards, 3rd Edition_Belverd E. Needles, Marian Powers (SM+TB) A Guide to Modern Econometrics, 4th Edition_Marno Verbeek (SM) A History of Modern Psychology, 10th Edition _ Duane P. Schultz, Sydney Ellen Schultz ( IM+TB) A Microscale Approach to Organic Laboratory Techniques, 5th Edition _Donald L. Pavia, George S. Kriz, Gary M. Lampman, Randall G. Engel (IM) A PeopleRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words   |  1573 Pages(Prentice Hall, 2012) Management, 11th ed. with Mary Coulter (Prentice Hall, 2012) Fundamentals of Human Resource Management, 10th ed., with David DeCenzo (Wiley, 2010) Prentice Hall’s Self-Assessment Library 3.4 (Prentice Hall, 2010) Fundamentals of Management, 8th ed., with David DeCenzo and Mary Coulter (Prentice Hall, 2013) Supervision Today! 7th ed., with David DeCenzo and Robert Wolter (Prentice Hall, 2013) Training in Interpersonal Skills: TIPS for Managing People at Work, 6th ed., with PhillipRead MoreProject Mgmt296381 Words   |  1186 PagesLeadership Chapter 2 Organization Strategy and Project Selection 1.4 Projects and programs (.2) 1.4.1 Managing the portfolio 1.4.3 Strategy and projects 2.3 Stakeholders and review boards 12.1 RFP’s and vendor selection (.3.4.5) SWAT analysis Schedule compression Leadership skills G.1 Project leadership 10.1 Stakeholder management Chapter 11 Teams Chapter 3 Organization: Structure and Culture 2.4.1 Organization cultures [G.7] 2.4.2 Organization structure

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Ethical Issues Therapeutic Hypothermia

Question: Discuss about the Ethical Issues Therapeutic Hypothermia. Answer: Introduction: Ethics refers to standards enacted in a profession to guide ones conduct to be right or wrong (Wilkinson, 2008). Ethics enables professionalism in an industry creating and maintaining favorable environment for performing a task. They usually involve the quality practices that ensure there is competent staying using professional judgment and ensuring professional boundaries in a therapeutic relationships are maintained as long as patient right are concern. The following ethical issues arise; fist, solicitation of client. The physiotherapist should always ensure there is no exploitation of either patient or the patient caregivers. This can either be sexually or financially in order to meet the interest of the patient or the patient caregivers. Second, there arise instance of informed consent (Smith, 2009). This involves informing a patient on research subject of the risk, benefits and expected outcome of the therapeutic approach in which they have agreed to take. Lastly are testimonial s. This involves self disclosure to the patient about issues that end up affecting the patient or their caregivers. This is usually due to personal closeness to the patient resulting to disclosure hence witnessing emotional behavior and physical closeness. Patient caregivers rights to physiotherapist need to limit the extent of confidentiality by enquiring from the client the person to contact incase of any emergency. Also the nature of record keeping should be put into concern as long patient caregivers have the right to information by obeying mandatory reporting law. Physiotherapist need to carefully balance the disclosure done with their ethical obligation to protect their patient confidentiality. This is done by providing client with the information they need to give their informed consent right before they do it. Also should understand what constitute a multiple relationship to avoid impairing their professional performance to avoid disclosing client confidentiality as long pat ient caregivers right to the information is concern. Therefore, utmost care should be taken to ensure dignity and respect of the patient is maintained during and after a therapeutic relationship. References Smith, D. (2017). 10 ways practitioners can avoid frequent ethical pitfalls. [online] Available at: [Accessed 8 Apr. 2017]. Wilkinson, D. (2008). Cool heads: ethical issues associated with therapeutic hypothermia for newborns. Acta Paediatrica, 98(2), pp.217-220.

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Porter Five Forces free essay sample

Porters Approach is taken from his 1980 book Competitive Strategy: Techniques for Analyzing Industries and Competitors. Porters theory has often been used by many people to understand more about a companys structure and the method or plan used to run its business. In his book, Porter identified 5 external forces that will affect an industry or a market. The type of forces can help us to understand or to analyze how a company makes its profits, or how it could attract others to do business with. Porter also helps to identify the specific companys competitor. We may use Porters competitive forces to analyze how it can have an impact to the operations of Cold Storage. Threat of New Entrants For the past 30 years, the food industry has seen the up and rising supermarket industries, which has become dominant in recent years. These large supermarkets focus heavily on operational efficiency, especially relying on the importance of one stop shopping for customers, and Cold Storage also operates in such manner. We will write a custom essay sample on Porter Five Forces or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Such method of operation affects a lot of small traditional shops such as butchers and bakers. This makes it very difficult and creates a barrier for other new supermarkets to enter this industry. Due to a large fixed cost and huge capital involved, new entrants supermarkets find it hard to break into the market. Bargaining Power of Suppliers The power of the suppliers can be highlighted as they often do business with large food chains, and also there is a fear of losing these suppliers and their business to other larger retail supermarket. In Singapore, Giant and Carrefour, as a direct competitor to Cold Storage, often gets better promotional prices from suppliers, in hich we can see that the smaller retailers cannot compare. In the terms of the suppliers, the huge growing prospects of these large supermarkets make it difficult for them to source products from overseas. With this in mind, the suppliers are restricted to operate freely and will affect their revenue. The forces of competitive rivalry have reduced the profit margins for supermarkets and suppliers Bargaining Power of Buyers Porter has mentioned that more and more products have become too similar or unchanged, thus the lower switching cost and more power is yielded to buyers. To meet customers needs, Cold Storage ensures that they offer low prices, more variety of choices and in store promotions in order to maintain control and also to retain their large customer base. Recently, the style of shopping by customers has changed significantly and we can see them choosing to do their shopping in large supermarkets, and as such, Cold Storage also adopted selling non food items, to cater to the customers needs. Due to western influences, we can now find items and commodities such as tea, coffee etc in large supermarket chains like the Cold

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Dubois and Washington in the Pre-Civil Rights Era essays

Dubois and Washington in the Pre-Civil Rights Era essays To clearly assess the view of Du Bois' essential points of disagreement with Washington, today's reader must consider Washington as one of the disenfranchised whom he spoke for. Du Bois declared that the appeal of Washington's program was aimed at enterprising national leaders who sympathized with the South's leaders "... pressure of the money- makers..."(Du Bois 45) Washington had not grown to leadership in such an atmosphere of African American intellectual progress and real social interaction of the races, as did Du Bois. He would have seen no hope for a more liberal social policy. Therefore, Washington's and Du Bois' programs were based on a difference in a view that equal civil rights for ex-slaves would be the fundamental "starting point" of the race's advancement. With the surrender of most southern leaders to Jim Crow, the southern government favored economic advancement of the ex-slave above universal manhood suffrage, hoping that the federal government would no longer support advancement of the freedmen. This was evidenced by the failure of the Freedmen's Bureau. In The Souls of Black Folk Du Bois called it "- one of the most singular and interesting of the attempts made by a great nation to grapple with vast problems of race and social condition." (Du Bois 17) In light of the conflict of the Bureau with the local government, which did not intend to allow African American social advancement, it was bound for In "Of the Sons of Master and Man", Du Bois further describes the psychological turmoil of the post-reconstruction South. "The inevitable period of retrogression and political trickery that ever follows in the wake of a war over took us."(Du Bois 124) He reminded the reader that both ruling classes of the political South and political North washed their hands of politi...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Images of Men in Vietnam films essays

Images of Men in Vietnam films essays Since the beginning of the semester our class has watched many different films about the Vietnam War and throughout all of these films there has been a very consistent flow of the roles played by the sergeants, commanders, lieutenants, every other man in charge and the only key feature has been their race. Out of all of the movies and various directors you would think that there would have been a small change or maybe even a different look at what it was like to be a minority in the Vietnam War. A good example of how this could have been done comes in the movie, Glory, which tells not only of how the whites were involved in the Civil War, but it also tells the story of the 54th Massachusetts, which was one of the first all black regiments involved in the war. So you would have thought that because of the significance of the Vietnam War at least one director would have shown the war from a different view instead of the view from the white man, however this does not occur. So in the f ollowing paper I will attempt to show how in almost every movie we watched this semester was created about the Vietnam War and centered around a white leader or leaders, who seem to have a rough, hard nosed personality and they lived and breathed for the United States Marine Corp. A few of the movies that I will attempt to show examples of how this was done will be Full Metal Jacket, We Were Soldiers, The Deer Hunter, and Platoon. ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Palliative Care for Aboriginal People Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Palliative Care for Aboriginal People - Essay Example The core purpose of palliative care is to alleviate physical, psychological and social distress so that improves the quality of life of individuals and their families facing the problems associated with life-limiting illness. In addition, it involves the family and in most cases extends to the involvement of the community. This aspect of palliative care raises the question of cultural influences to the effectiveness or defectiveness of the whole process in this multicultural country(Elliott, Aitken & Chaboyer, 2011). It is, therefore, imperative that nurses provide spiritual and cultural care for individuals and their family receiving palliative care through the application of spiritual and cultural competent nursing care principles (Elliott, Aitken & Chaboyer, 2011). The discussion will focus on Aboriginal and Torres Islander people spiritual and cultural care in relation to palliation. To grasp the sensitivity of palliative care to the Aboriginal people, one has to understand the u nderlying factors that precipitated their alienation from the rest of the Australian populations. Over 20% of the Aboriginal population lives in very remote areas (100 kilometres from a health centre). This Aboriginal population has the highest death rate in Australia especially for people between the ages of 25-45. What is worse if the fact that the current health system does not recognize most of the ailments this population faces as fatal. With the arrival of the Europeans came the arrival of chronic illnesses such as Hypertension, diabetes, stroke and a myriad of heart diseases (Austin Health, 2006). In addition, the past experience of Aboriginal people, especially the experience of the Stolen Generations result in the fact that most Aboriginal people do not trust government institutions and this creates a barrier between them and healthcare givers (Austin Health, 2006). The vulnerability of these populations makes it very imperative that they receive spiritually and culturally appropriate care. Cultural beliefs and traditions relating to death and dying in Aboriginal Communities: The Dreamtime is the ultimate spiritual and cultural guide to these people. It influences social systems, myths, punishment and reward, life, death and health. Specific to palliative care, Dreamtime makes the people view death as an ominous mythical secret. Furthermore, Dreamtime influences communication style, decision making and consenting, gender and kinship relations and role of elders in the community that are very crucial factors in palliative care for the Indigenous people. The Indigenous population favours a â€Å"homely demise† this is to say that they prefer to die in the confines of their community. Aside from the fact that the Indigenous population favours a â€Å"homely demise†, there is the issue of ceremonies that are very important to them, even those who predominantly practice Christianity. According to a study done by McGrath and Phillips (2008) th e most popular and dominantly held practices include: The smoking ceremony; an elder smokes the house, room or car where the individual frequented to helps the spirit of the dead person pass on to the other side. The second one is marking the house of the deceased with red ochre that also releases the spirit of the dead person and releases it into the other world (spirit world). There is also dancing, singing and decorating of the house using flowers to ensure that the spirit of dead person gets a heartfelt send